Join Hart County 4-H

Join Hart County 4-H

Join Hart County 4-H

Who can join 4-H?

Any youth who are between the ages of 9-18 4-H age that reside in Hart County or go to school in Hart County may join Hart County 4-H.  

Cloverbud activities are offered for youth ages 5-8 and Cloverseed activities are offered for ages 3-4.

What is 4-H age?

4-H Age is the age of youth on January 1st of the program year. The 4-H program year runs September 1st-August 31st. 

4-H Age Graphic


Membership dues

In general, Kentucky 4-H clubs/groups do not have membership dues.  4-H activities may involve pay-as-you-go fees for participation in specific learning activities.  The lack of membership dues should not imply that participation is always free.  Efforts are often made locally to raise private funds to offset some of registration fees for youth whose family cannot afford the expense.


How to Join

Joining is easy! Stop by the Extension Office to pick up an enrollment form. Or download the form here.

Enrollment has to be renewed every year!  Please turn in a new form every September to stay in 4-H. 

Participation Options 

 Here are some ways youth can participate.

  • Organized Club--an organized group of youth who meet throughout the year and elect officers.  There are three types of 4-H clubs  in Hart County--a) "community clubs" which meet at times when kids are not in school; b) "in-school clubs" which meet during school hours; c) clubs which meet during after-school child care. Check out our clubs here
  • Special Interest/Short Term programs/Projects--group of youth who participate in a series of learning experiences on a topic of special interest to them such as a sewing group or robotics group.  The group may meet several times but perhaps not throughout the year. Check out special interest projects here 
  • Camp--group of youth participate in overnight or day camp. More information about 4-H Summer Camp can be found here
  • School Enrichment--classrooms of youth who participate in 4-H as part of the school curriculum.
  • Individual Study--individual youth who participate in 4-H as a family but do not affiliate with a 4-H club/group.
  • Events & Trips- Events and trips are offered during the year for 4-H members to participate in. These span a wide range of interest areas. Upcoming events can be found here 

How do I find out about upcoming events & projects? 

Sign up for the email newsletter 

Newsletters can be viewed here

4-H reminders via the Remind app or text message. You can join by texting @hartco4h to 81010

Follow Hart County Cooperative Extension Service on Facebook 


Non-Discrimination Policy

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.   University of Kentucky, Kentucky State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Kentucky Counties, Cooperating. 

Any employee or clientele who believes they have been discriminated against may seek resolution through a variety of paths. Discrimination may be reported to the District Director or supervisor. To initiate a complaint at the college level, contact Tim West in the Business Office at 859-257-3879. At the University level, Terry Allen and Patty Bender in the UK Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity (859-257-8927) may be contacted. Additionally, employee or clientele complaints involving any research or extension sponsored program or activity may be directed to the USDA, Directror Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W Whitten Bldg., 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 (202-720-5964).

Contact Information

505 A. A. Whitman Lane P. O. Box 367 Munfordville, KY 42765-0367

(270) 524-2451